Monday, April 16, 2018

Loss of Social Capital

To socialize or not to socialize, that is the question. Is it better to suffer the slings and arrows of relatives, or just go away and avoid the miserable negativity toward me by some people?

That makes it simple. Even if it is me that is the problem, and my belief system or just the real reality, or whatever, that goes against the ancestors blind faith in the unreal. Oh well, I have moved on, they have not. 

So what is social capital?

so·cial cap·i·tal
noun: social capital; plural noun: social capitals
  1. the networks of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society, enabling that society to function effectively.

How do you insult an atheist?   "I'll pray for you."

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

End of Caring

It does not matter. Family is not necessarily important, that is actually a religious/historical meme. It has no foundation other that comfort meme. Just like religion. It is a comfort and consolation meme, nothing more. In historical time, that may not have been true, but it is now and where we live. It has been only a 120 years since electricity became useful, instant communication over distance became possible, and we were forced to deal with so much more each day, as we had little travel time to consider the last conversation.

The same level of comfort is available in knowledge based philosophy, but it is more work, effort, understanding, planning, utilizing correct understanding or the world. It is more work, but truth and knowledge and evidence based.

Everyone really has the choice once they realize it. It may be a balance between comfortable survival, comfort or survival. I use economics and survival in the same sense, as the Maslow's needs sense of survival and safety, where we are stuck in a religious cult as a child, where survival requires that we do, not necessarily believe, but not oppose the believers. Yes, look back from outside, I was raised in a religious cult, and many of my relatives are still in that cult, whether they realize it or not. Oh well, it is their lives.

Now ethics and morality, as viewed from the religious live is bullshit. There is no understanding nor applying the fundamental underlying principal of truth, honest analysis of what is virtue, or what virtues should be followed, or anything beyond following authority. Life within the cult is abusive, as see from outside and after. Oh well, it is over.


Monday, April 2, 2018

Defenders of Religion

The typical response we atheist see from religions under attack is the they are unable to defend the beliefs, so they attack the individual atheist at a personal level. Once they do this, it is like the drug companies defending vaccinations and statins, they attack the researcher. Often the research actually shows a problem, but may not identify the problem.

Vaccinations are a problem if they are given too soon. Alberta Guidelines for MMR say 3 years, while the Wakefield study found problem bunch that were vaccinated less mainly than one year, all less than 18 months. The drug companies discredited and destroyed Wakefield who was having an affair with his assistant. Oh well, it had nothing to do with what he found. That is the approch of all the religious who thrust there religion in my face, and I struck back for the lack of evidence of a god.

Oh well, they push there beliefs at me, I push back. Shit happens. They go away. I just do not care.