Saturday, January 25, 2014

Edgar Arthur Wright 1887-1950

Its Saturday night, nothing on TV, time for a story.

As you may recall, Edgar was Libby`s (1891-1984) husband. Now for the twist as in every good story, Adoloph (Ed) Meilicke was married to a Mary Wright (1989-1988), and here mother was a Dalton. So there you have it, on both sides of the family, both Schnelle and Meilicke, this Wright family is attached.

Edgar Aurthur Wright was born in Scotland County, Mo. on Feburary 8, 1887, son of Levi and Alice (Dalton) Wright. He married Libby (Carrie Elizabeth (Schnelle) on May 21, 1913. Libby met her future husband when she was attending collage at Kirksville. (Schnelle book) It looks like Edgar had a sister.

Adolph (Ed) H. Meilicke born April 30, 1887 in Dallas County County. Ed married Mary Virginia (Wright)  in 1915. Ed invented and patented a corn head saver attachment for a binder. He died of a heart attack (assumed ?) shortly after removing an water well pump and pipe from the well which was located on the front yard of their farm, Tuesday, November 13, 1923.  (voice of Karen R (Meilicke) I can still hear my grandmother telling me the story, leaving her with four little ones to raise the youngest being 7 mo old. Mary later married a gentleman surname of Cooley and with him had a son named Carmen Cooley.  

Later, we understand that Mary Wright, while married to _________ Cooley, but living separately ~1958~(Albert)~ lived across the road from this collage, and apparently, often walked the collage property at night, worrying about the future, or as the story said worrying about where the money to feed the kids would come from. The story also implied there was a lot of drinking going on by Mr. Cooley.

Also for all of my cousins, I have the contact information for Karen, so if any of you would like to have a chat with your second cousin, please let me know.

Picture: as a young lad


  Elizabeth Schnelle Wright (1891 - 1984)

Mary Wright Meilicke

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