Thursday, July 19, 2018

Circling the drain

Circling the drain, is that the expression that describes the dying process of the elderly. Suze`s oldest remaining brother is in such a state, well he is physically ok, but mentally he is confused, psychotic, paranoid, and incoherent most of the time. But he does have lucid moments, but he is as deaf as a post, and cannot read, misplaced his glasses, well, perhaps, or he has lost the ability, I do not know.

So it has been hotels, hospitals, restaurants, on the road, and emptying his apartment. In case he asks, it all went to his brothers or nephews, or here, or to the Catholic Church Charity, Vinni`s, or whatever.  A life does not amount to much, some less than others, but all come to an end. Oh well, my turn is coming.

He is going to the grave or cremation thinking that there is a grand afterlife. Oh well, it does not matter. There is no evidence of such a thing, there is no reason to think there is one beyond the babbling of ancestors and those collecting money to promote such a fanciful ideas. Without evidence, there are just wasting my time; I do not care about their time. It is my opinion that there is no god, and those who think there is are simply deluded. End of.