Friday, January 4, 2019

World View

So how do two people with wildly different world views relate? Well, not well, at least in the subject areas that are not common. So what is left? Well, we are both old and and have various health issues, but even there, I do not go looking, while she searches for problem while healthy.

What am I on about? I received a "Christmas letter" from a cousin, who is somewhat older than I, who I have never met, in fact of those dozen or so Irish cousins, I have only met one a couple of time. But I was struck by how different our world view is from the author of this Christmas letter. The next question is how should I respond.

She has a religious/god/ give thanks view; I am a realist; in religious parlance a heathen, atheist, nihilist. I knew that I was born at the maximum earth population; and choose not to reproduce, as did my sister. We are the end of our fathers (William) line. Henry, her father and mother produced 31 and growing offspring. As I am the end of the line, our genealogy and history is of little interest to me. It does not matter, we are what we are, and the end will come. My youth and family history was so negative, as viewed from my point of view, that I do not care if I associate with many of my family.

I have heard how important family is, but yet all my family experience has so much negatives in it that I long ago just stopped caring much. There is a little curiosity, but little more. I will not tolerate prosthesis by them or anyone. It is easier to just walk away. So how should I handle it all, shallow and polite, or silent walk away with non response.

It is apparent to me that religion is so fake. In our mind we can divide the meme objects, (Dawkins style meme, not internet social media memes) into real world object memes, real world concept memes, grading to fiction memes, and pure fiction memes. These can be considered equivalent to Plato's forms. Kant's divisions of: a priori, a posteriori, synthetic a priori of real, and, of fiction.
The old Buddhist, I do not recall his name right now, speaks of mental objects, those that represent real objects, those that represent real concepts or actions, and those who have no real counterparts.

When we conduct this type of analysis on religion, so much just does not met the tests of reality. If it cannot past the test of reality, it must be held in abeyance or rejected. Religion has no real foundation, just a people with a history of belief, but no evidence. There is little that does not have an alternative explanation that does not require supernatural or god based explanation. Many of the arguments fall by failure of the starting assumptions in the premise. Or by logic failures, like if A and if B, then C, but that is a logic statement, not logic foundation. William Lane Craig does not know the difference, or use this as logic intentionally to fool the people; you pick which.

So which is it William Lane Craig?

It is like the professor with the abortion issue and the Kant's "Categorical Imperative". So should the imperative be that we should never have abortions, or that we should always have the freedom to choose? As soon as we consider equality as part of the foundation ethics, than everything opens up, and ethics become modern. Oh well, in the end we all just die anyway. It is done. Hail All. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

UN v. Humanity

Is it time to look forward with the sixth extinction looming on the horizon? Carbon dioxide level has been rising since the 1960's, to make this earth space ship work we would need to cut to about 1/2 the people, 1/5 the oil, 1/2 the coal, 1/2 the animals... long term. Without quick and effective action, the Co2 level will be the inciter of the sixth extinction... where most of the current organic life is replace with other organic life. The species homo sapiens will be replaced by a new species. We are a species in transition. But for now, we are in a overpopulation crisis.

Our biggest human failing is our inability to cooperate on a big scale. Political groups want to keep us in "tribes" at odds with each other. This allows the group masters to accumulate wealth, power, or ego driven ego growth. It is what they get out of it all that drives them and their egos. War allows the conquering tribe to steal the wealth and technology of the conquered.  

To foster cooperation, we need to reduce the hatred for others, and this must be learned as children. UN Declaration of Rights should be expanded to no allow the teaching of hatred and violence against others. This is one of the things that forces tribe mentality onto we, the people. We need to get along.
That would make war morally/ethically wrong as described by the UN... so warring nations would be wrong by UN standards...

Aggression is always wrong, defense is defensible. Competition is the foundation of aggression along with local overpopulation, allowing excess people to be wasted in conquest. It is one more result of overpopulation. And the circle closes.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Selling of Poisons

The Selling of Poisons

So why today? We have a cousin-ish person who just went into the oil business, CBD oil that is.

It does not matter, for they are also religious-ish, and as such become a lower ranking in my mind. I am a realist, atheist, nihilist... depending on the exact definition of nihilist. Our only society purpose is to produce the next generation... we have overpopulated this earth, and there is nothing more that need drive us. We can use our intelligence to make life better, but that is just gravy. Learning to not kill off each other could be the ultimate goal, but we have failed at that. Oh well, we all just die anyway.

Buddha forbade the selling of poisons, production and transport also as a unsuitable livelihood for his followers. Does that apply to alcohol, drugs, marijuana, and the like? Yes, or we can apply it to those. Christians are less clear on this, but Ethics of Equality of all make this clear, poisons are unwise, unskilled behaviors. The dose makes the poisons. Everything in moderation except poisons... well maybe.

Marijuana is one drug that many claim there is no damage from. One US Army psychologist will dispute this. They use intelligence testing on the subjects a quick way of evaluation. Those that score less than 87 have no place in the army, (10% of the population) and the amount of those who fail is higher in smoke allowing States. Duh. Well according to several psychologist, the IQ reduction is 20 points the first day, 10 points the second day for casual users. For heavy users the effect is larger and longer lasting and hard to determine. Well that is the explanation of experienced, so take it with salt.

Tobacco is an evil drug, and does so much damage. It is more of a distraction than altering, relaxing, but once addicted, the body has a strong craving, and will sneak, seek and not relax until it finds tobacco. It is not rational, but an addiction. Oh well.

But is the farmer that grows and sells malting barley also violating Buddhas guidelines? Yes, as is the trucker that delivers, the pub owner, the bar maids, and even the janitor, and the person who built the bar, the city that taxes the bar, the person who dwells in the same town, as the tax base is tainted. Oh well, there is no real penalty.

So perhaps one needs to look at the marijuana industry and just stay away. The oil and smoke can be used a a medical supplement, to reduce pain and discomfort. Be aware that pain has a function, should you choose to listen to your body, it is a warning of damage, to reduce the possibility of more damage. We were not intended to "push through the pain" much, expect perhaps in reproduction. Pain is a warning, and should be listened to. Oh well, it is suitable for the old and other end of life situations. It is damaging to the young and able body, regardless of their opinion.

Driving high is dangerous for others; I do not care about the user. They should become second class in medical treatment after the innocent, but there is the problem of evaluation. Oh well. It does not matter if it is marijuana, alcohol, or other drugs. They are guilty.

All this comes together to reduce my opinion of anyone who uses, provides or otherwise contributes to the drug industry. It does not matter. I have more or less left the family anyway, and just do not care anymore. So much was just bullshit anyway. Family is all fine as long as they are reasonable, but looking back with today's standards, it was very abusive upbringing that I survived.  

Saturday, October 20, 2018

BirthDays Oct

Oct 6
Lorretta Taylor

Oct 9
Elsie Young 1896

Oct 10
Mary J Bradbury 1900
Randall Crouse

Oct 12
Hannah Sanborn 1892

Oct 13
Mrs. Eglantine St.Martin 1908

Oct 15
Jane Elizabeth Morris
Blanche Davis 1916

Oct 16
Lela Ruth Ankrum 1927

Oct 17
Mrs Florence Hyde 1922

Oct 20
William Arron Schnelle 1920

Oct 21
Sarah Alice Schnelle McEelhinney 1879
Patricia Singh 1933
James David Hauser 1929
Lenko 1893

Oct 22
Scott Gunn 1885

Oct 24
Herbert Barrett 1943
Geo Stanley Bork 1896

Oct 25
Bonnie Olive Schenelle 1916

Oct 26
Dorthea Willows 1909

Oct 27
Bruno Plischke 1888

Oct 28
Kenneth Edward M
Mary George 1923

Oct 30
Lana Elizabeth Marcussin

Oct 31
Caroline Elizabeth (Beth) Beard 1939

Thursday, September 27, 2018

More Birthdays

Sept 28

Sept 30
Charles Archibald 1926

Oct 1
Willard Gustave Meilicke 1912

Oct 2
Alvin O'Shea 1900
Bessie Strulle 1888

Oct 3
Albert Manley  Dains 1909

Oct 5
James Henry Drumright Jr. 1914

Friday, September 21, 2018


I cam across Grandma Meilicke's birthday book, so who has birthdays this week? It is not approved to publish birthdays of the living... perhaps a first name.

Sept 20
Nadene Elizabeth Wright  1924
Barbara Eula

Sept 22
Mathilda Meilicke 1849  

Sept 23
Lela Ruth Meilicke 1917

Sept 24
Lucy O. Schnelle 1883
Clline Felty 1891 or could that be Oline? Oline Felty rings a bell... was he the old fellow who came to visit grandpa in a two wide sulky and a bay, one time when I was there?

Carrie Schenelle 1887

Sept 25
Deleiuo Leetassa Beard 1898   (sp?)

Sept 27
Ethel Fortune Burns 1887    (gm first cousin once removed, Rorabaugh side)
Mrs. Letendre 1884        ( I am thinking this is Reg's mother)

Friday, August 31, 2018

August 31/2018

Summer is over. Overcast and moist. Cool. Summer has ended.

The carbon dioxide continues to rise. We, the too many, produce more carbon dioxide than the planet can fix the carbon back to free carbon or into one of the other carbon storage forms. We, as a species are doomed. We cannot evolve fast enough to evolve the ability to live in high carbon dioxide atmosphere. Technology can help the rich, in the short term. But not the masses, unless you can afford the oxygen enrichment technology. Faster breathing rates, CPAP machines help, but the problem is carbon dioxide levels.

The governments are so tied up in their own bureaucracy that they are unable to do anything, and get elected. Game theory shows that so called free markets cannot work without rules; yet politicians are so invested in their ideology, that they cannot accept what science tells us. Scientism is the only hope, but it is unpopular, as it exposes the brutal reality of life on an overpopulated planet.  It is good at exposing the weakness in a system, but not so good at developing alternatives; supply management works well. Rule of the popular majority without the correct problem/solution does not. Oh well, in the end we all just die anyway. We can still have the satisfaction and related joy of knowing.

I can understand the draw of living in a delusion of hope, love, peace, souls and everlasting life. But that is not real. It is a delusion. One that offers compassion, consolation, comfort, but it is still a delusion, until we die off. But we can also have compassion, consolation, comfort, and understand the reality science offers. I do not understand why more do not accept reality.

Immigration has become too fast in Canada, for many of us. It is a problem, people of other cultures not mixing in as they did, but clustering into ghettos and trying to maintain their cultures. Brexit was driven by immigration resistance, but instead of just addressing the discontent of too much immigration, the people vote to leave the EU because that was the choice given, not just rejecting the immigration part or EU. Sovereignty comes with a price in an overpopulated world. Canada is about to face the same problem of ghetto-ed citizens with the natives; not part of the main stream culture, and a economic drag on the nation. They need to understand that they are the decedents of a concurred race; get with the nation or be lost. Sir John A was right in his actions, but our North American natives did not make good slaves. They were too independent minded to form a civilization on their own. We whites make better slaves, we are more willing to cooperate with others.


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Circling the drain

Circling the drain, is that the expression that describes the dying process of the elderly. Suze`s oldest remaining brother is in such a state, well he is physically ok, but mentally he is confused, psychotic, paranoid, and incoherent most of the time. But he does have lucid moments, but he is as deaf as a post, and cannot read, misplaced his glasses, well, perhaps, or he has lost the ability, I do not know.

So it has been hotels, hospitals, restaurants, on the road, and emptying his apartment. In case he asks, it all went to his brothers or nephews, or here, or to the Catholic Church Charity, Vinni`s, or whatever.  A life does not amount to much, some less than others, but all come to an end. Oh well, my turn is coming.

He is going to the grave or cremation thinking that there is a grand afterlife. Oh well, it does not matter. There is no evidence of such a thing, there is no reason to think there is one beyond the babbling of ancestors and those collecting money to promote such a fanciful ideas. Without evidence, there are just wasting my time; I do not care about their time. It is my opinion that there is no god, and those who think there is are simply deluded. End of.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Tis' June

Summer is upon us finally. No rain, sparse grass, dust. Oh well.

We English speaking older are losing our ability to communicate. It is not that we cannot express ourselves well enough, but rather the receivers have different world view, difference understanding of the world around us, different starting assumptions, different frame of reference. It has always been difficult for me, after growing up wild without logical direction.

In Greek and Roman times, it was common that parents, fathers mainly, educated their sons, and occasionally daughters; however, daughters were mainly taught to nest. I grew up in a time and place that my education quickly exceeded my parents, and in sciences before even reaching the teen stage. Of course, I was born before DNA had been discovered, and advancement of science, especially electrical/electronic has been so fast. For the first 18 years of my life, I grew up with no electricity, wood winter heat, outdoor toilets, and all those bugs in summer. Evolution is real and lives in society, cultures, science, as well as biology. The process of using what we know to advance step by step is alive and well, along with specialization, and providing just what is/was needed.

Now evolution is a process of change, based on interrogative change, variations, and selection. The English language expands, and new words/vacations with specific meaning develop. Some words change meaning. They no longer mean what they did; they have multiple meanings; both in connotation and denotations. Iff we know the same language can we communicate, if we are starting at the same place in our world understanding. Evolution is alive and well, involving memes.  

Monday, April 16, 2018

Loss of Social Capital

To socialize or not to socialize, that is the question. Is it better to suffer the slings and arrows of relatives, or just go away and avoid the miserable negativity toward me by some people?

That makes it simple. Even if it is me that is the problem, and my belief system or just the real reality, or whatever, that goes against the ancestors blind faith in the unreal. Oh well, I have moved on, they have not. 

So what is social capital?

so·cial cap·i·tal
noun: social capital; plural noun: social capitals
  1. the networks of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society, enabling that society to function effectively.

How do you insult an atheist?   "I'll pray for you."